“Another officer shot”.
“Another officer critically injured”.
It’s happening over and over and more frequently.
The news and politicians want you to think “things are getting better” but they just aren’t. You don’t see these officers getting hurt or killed making many news headlines, do you?
It’s been bad and it’s not ending.
Law enforcement officers are literally being targeted and most of the nation is silent.

Don’t tell me the war on cops isn’t real- it very much is. And law enforcement families are TIRED of it.
What is it going to take for this to end? Have law enforcement officers and their families not endured enough?
And don’t tell me “it’s what they signed up for”- law enforcement signs up to make a difference NOT to be hated and hunted down. Are they aware of the risks of the job? Of course. But not to this magnitude.
You hardly hear of these tragedies on the news because, well, they don’t fit the right narrative. They blip across the screen faster than you can blink and they move on to the next “story”.
The thing is, these aren’t just stories. These officers are literally our hearts in human form. They are our everything, our why, our spouses, fathers, mothers, and so much more. These are humans that protect you while you sleep safely in your bed. If they are gone? Then what?
And we take every officer down personally because losing just one officer SHATTERS the entire law enforcement community. And quite frankly, it should shatter our entire country.
One of the most shocking things I had to do as a police wife many years ago was to talk about my husband’s funeral if he were to pass in the line of duty. LAW ENFORCEMENT FAMILIES FEEL THE NEED TO PLAN FUNERALS BECAUSE THEY DON’T KNOW IF THEIR LOVED ONES WILL MAKE IT HOME. To think that this is a reality for some families, SICKENS ME.
America, law enforcement families need your help. We are begging you to stand up for law enforcement. Write your politicians. Vote for candidates that TRULY care about the safety of you, your community and law enforcement. This impacts you just as much as it does us. Crime is skyrocketing- it is only a matter of time before it lingers into your neighborhood, too.
A very tired law enforcement spouse
For more faith-based encouragement, check out my new book, Proud Police Wife: 90 Devotions for Women Behind the Badge.


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