During Police Week, I always try to find ways to get my kids involved in the support of law enforcement. They love to show support for their dad and his co-workers. They also love to make crafts and projects, so this activity is a win-win.
It is important to our family that our children show support for first responders and others within the community. While making this activity, we talk about why we are making it and who we would give it to. Of course, they want to give it to their father because he is law enforcement. But any child can make this craft and pass it out to local law enforcement.
I shared with my kids that law enforcement has a thin blue line, but other first responders have a different line color that represents them. So this craft could be done for fire, dispatchers, etc. My daughter chose to use pink on her cape because she said “women can be police officers, too.” She wants to find a local female officer to hand it out to.
Being a former elementary school teacher I love activities like this where my kids can get hands on. We do painting projects on the regular, so my kiddos are pretty used to getting dirty in order to have fun!
Find out how to make one below!
Thin Blue Line Hero:
Construction paper
Crayola Washable Paint (black, blue, & you chose a color for the cape)
3 Paintbrushes (one for each paint color) I prefer [easyazon_link identifier=”B000W5IACS” locale=”US” tag=”proudpolice09-20″]Loew Cornell 842 25-Piece Foam Brush Set, 1-Inch[/easyazon_link]. These sponge brushes are easy to clean and apply paint evenly.
Black marker
Paper plates
One cooperative child 🙂
-Begin by pouring a small amount of each paint color on a paper plate.
-Paint the bottom of your child’s foot. Begin with the blue line in the center of the foot using one paintbrush. Use a second paintbrush to paint the black lines above and below the blue line. I DO NOT RECOMMEND DIPPING YOUR CHILD’S FOOT INTO THE PAINT.
-Once the foot is painted, press onto the construction paper. I tried to angle the foot slightly so it appears the “body” is flying. Allow to dry.
– Once dry, chose a paint color for the cape.
-Using the third brush, paint a layer of paint onto the hand and firmly press down onto the paper.
-I also tried to angle the hand so it looks as if the cape is blowing in the wind.
-Allow to dry.
-Once dry, draw a face and arms with black marker. Then title it, if you wish. You can also come up with a message to law enforcement for an added touch!
After the project was complete, my kids could immediately see how their foot was the “body” of a hero and their hand was the cape. Doing activities like this are always fun for me and my kiddos. If it is a nice day, you can even take it outside and hose down those toes and hands once you are done painting!
Let us know if you try the craft; we would love to see!
Another way to show support is to make Blue Bags. Check them out here!
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