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Police officers are exposed to trauma on the job regularly. But some officers bring past trauma with them to the job. How do people and police officers find the right tools to become resilient to this trauma?
This is a topic that needs to be discussed more in policing. Mental wellness, access to therapy, EMDR, and normalizing conversations surrounding mental health and trauma are lacking, but our guest on the podcast this week, Adam Davis, is getting that conversation started.
Adam Davis is a former police officer, dynamic speaker, published author, and resilience coach for the first responder community. He shares how his past trauma impacted his life as a police officer, father and husband. But he doesn’t stop there.
Adam gets vulnerable and shares the severe trauma he endured throughout his childhood, how it was never dealt with before he went into policing and the impact it had on his life. Not only that, he is open about how it impacted those around him, too.
In his newest book, Unconquered: 10 Principles to Overcome Adversity and Live Above Defeat, he uses his story to teach principles anyone can live by to overcome and be resilient no matter what trauma is endured.
You can learn more about Adam Davis and visit his website here.
Follow Adam on Instagram here.
Grab Adam’s books here:
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