This post is brought to you by Heroes Travel. All opinions and words are honest and my own. If you are a law enforcement officer or family, then I don't have to tell you twice that police officers experience high levels of stress and negativity on a regular basis. It is not only healthy to take regular breaks away from the job, it is recommended. Law enforcement officers are susceptible to burnout and one way to avoid this burnout is to take vacations reguarly. And if you are spouse reading this, then you can even let the officer in your life know that there is actual research Click for more
Hold the Line: Support for Police Families
Today’s interview is brought to you by Shieldbox. Shieldbox is the #1 police subscription box designed for law enforcement. Each month Shieldbox curates a box full of duty gear and supplies that prepare you for the job. Check out their Standard or Pro boxes at Have you ever said or been told "law enforcement is just a job"? Well, yes, it is a job, but it is a career choice that has great impact on the person serving in that career and often times, it impacts the family, as well. As family members, I think it is important to learn a little bit about Click for more
Resiliency in Law Enforcement
Today’s interview is brought to you by Officer Privacy. Officer Privacy is the most trusted, law enforcement owned privacy protection company. They remove your personal information from the top 70 people search sites.If you want to take your privacy back and have your identity as a law enforcement officer concealed, reach out to Officer Privacy. Police officers are exposed to trauma on the job regularly. But some officers bring past trauma with them to the job. How do people and police officers find the right tools to become resilient to this trauma? This is a topic that needs to be Click for more
How to Embrace Every Shift as a Police Wife
Before we dive in, I want to remind you to if you liked today’s episode or past episodes, please be sure to leave a rating or review wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also grab my newest book Proud Police Wife: 90 Devotions for women behind the badge anywhere books are sold for further faith based encouragement. After experiencing every shift possible over the last 17 years with my husband in law enforcement, I can confidently say there are truly pros and cons to each shift. There are so many pros and cons to every position he has had in his career, as well. There are Click for more
Stressors of Being a First Responder Spouse + Ways to Cope
Today’s episode is brought to you by The National Police Credit Union, a full service financial institution specializing in products and services for law enforcement and their families since 1938. You can learn more about becoming a member by going to their website at Being the spouse of a first responder brings unique challenges and we bring our own background and experience into relationships. So having resources that not only recognize these unique challenges but also offer support is incredibly valuable. Finding the right resources for you Click for more
Blue Family Businesses & Why We Support Them
Today’s episode is brought to you by Blue Monarch Co. A female, first responder owned company that offers beautiful, unique jewelry for men and women. You can look at their expansive collection and shop at My husband and I have always been passionate about supporting first responder owned businesses, especially ones that support police. Not only are they usually small, family owned businesses, but many of them give back to first responder charities. To us, it is also meaningful supporting a company that truly supports what our loved ones do in our communities. They Click for more
Dealing with Infidelity in Law Enforcement Relationships
Today’s interview is brought to you by The National Police Credit Union, a full service financial institution specializing in products and services for law enforcement and their families since 1938. You can learn more about becoming a member by going to their website at You're married to a police officer, does this mean you are doomed for infidelity?Or maybe you've experienced infidelity in your law enforcement relationship. Joining in on this podcast episode is marriage and family therapist, Shannon Brown. Shannon has been a Marriage and Family Click for more
The Benefits of Banking with National Police Credit Union for Police and their Families
This blog post is brought to you by National Police Credit Union, a full-service financial institution specializing in products and services for law enforcement and their families since 1938. You can learn more about becoming a member by going to their website at If you are reading this then you are more than likely a police spouse, family member or maybe even an officer yourself. And I think we can agree that law enforcement officers and their families make huge sacrifices daily. Not only that, but police officers take great responsibility to help and Click for more
Life After a Critical Incident and Making Sure Policing Is NOT Your Identity
When you or your loved one experiences a critical incident on the job, it can create more than just physical pain. It can be a time of mental anguish, stress, high emotions, financial burdens and more. Today's episode features former police officer, Kelsey Wilson, who experienced two injuries one year apart. The second injury, sadly, ended her career abruptly with lasting damage to her hand and trigger finger. Kelsey recounts her critical incident, her injuries and what she still endures to this day. She also opens up and shares her struggles mentally with having to leave a Click for more
The Best Real Estate Program that Gives Back to First Responders and Military
This is a sponsored blog post on behalf of Honor the Brave. All opinions are honest and my own. If you are planning on buying or selling your home anytime in the foreseeable future, keep reading! Picture this: you are a first responder or military family, you are buying and/or selling your home, and get money back at the end of your transaction just for your service! That's exactly what co-owner of Honor the Brave, Zanna Wolfgang, shared with us on Episode 41 of podcast. Zanna and her husband Jeff Wolfgang, former police officer, started Honor the Brave several years ago as a way Click for more
Ways to Fuel Your Body for Shift Work & How This Helps Shift Work Families
Can shift workers like cops eat healthy? And what about shift work families who may be on a different schedule than their loved one? Of course they can and today we are talking about ways to fuel your body despite shift work. I can't tell you how many people just think cops eat donuts and drink energy drinks all day. The amount of comments and messages I get from people about this is kinda insane actually. And today on the podcast I talked with Raina, who is a shift work dietitian and she said while it is a stereotype, often in the middle of the night, the only places open for night Click for more
Finding Yourself Through LEOW Life and Motherhood
Both motherhood and being married to a police officer come with there own unique set of challenges. But when you are trying to navigate and balance both, at the same time, it is easy to feel like you get lost within those struggles. I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Jillian from Beauty Sleep and Babies about her experiences as a new mom and fellow police wife. She was incredibly open about her journey of needing to find herself again because both LEOW life (law enforcement officer wife life) and motherhood took so much out of her. Jillian shared that it was definitely Click for more
The Best Way to Get FREE Resources for Police Spouses and Significant Others
Looking for free resources for police spouses? I've got you covered. For years, myself and fellow police spouses looked for resources to help navigate this lifestyle. And while I did create my blog, Proud Police Wife, as one of those resources nearly 7 years ago, I wanted to bring this community more. I wanted one, easy to access, jam-packed resource FULL of experts for law enforcement families. Here were the other caveats. It needed to be online, easily accessible around your work and life, and not cost you loads of money. That's when the Annual Police Wife Conference was Click for more
Real Solutions for Managing Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement
Police officers today face enormous pressure, stress and job related trauma. While they may not be able to control those aspects of the job, what they can control is their health and fitness. Sadly, police officers face alarming health related issues because of this stress. So it is imperative that they take proactive measures to be healthy and fit early on in their career or as soon as they can. Constant drive-thrus, bang energy drinks and binge eating after shift all contribute to future health related issues. In today's episode, former police officer, author, fitness expert, and Click for more
4 Ways to Prepare for Emergencies as a Law Enforcement Family
Today's episode and blog post are brought to you by Pictures on Gold. Pictures on Gold offers high quality jewelry including a police and firefighter collection with badge necklaces, earrings and more. Use code PROUDPOLICEWIFE for $10 off and shop here. We know all too well the dangers that exist in life in general, but those dangers also exist with careers in law enforcement. And I know it can be depressing to think of those dangers. For some you, you may just brush them off and ignore them. I get it. But in reality, it's important to be prepared for any emergencies that can happen Click for more
Free and Easy Ways to Show Support for Law Enforcement
Every year on January 9th, we honor and give support to our nation's law enforcement for Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. This is an amazing way for people to come together and share their appreciation for police. However, you don't always need a special day in which to do so. You can show appreciation to law enforcement every day, all throughout the year. As spouses it may be easy for us to come up with ways to show appreciation but for supporters it may not be. So today I want to share some FREE and EASY ways to show support for law enforcement. Free and Easy Ways to Show Click for more
Transitioning to Retirement for Law Enforcement with Jason Hoschouer
This episode is brought to you by Pictures on Gold. Pictures on Gold offers personalized police and firefighter jewelry like badge necklaces, earrings and more. Use this link to shop and use code PROUDPOLICEWIFE for $10 off. Whether your spouse is ready to retire or is questioning if it is time to leave law enforcement or not, it is important to know what the transition can look like and how to prepare. So in this episode we are talking about tips for transitioning to retirement for law enforcement officers and their families. Joining us in today's podcast Click for more
How to Support Law Enforcement Families After a Critical Incident
Any critical incident in the law enforcement community, seems to hit close to home. Even if we don't know those immediately impacted, we feel a connection, in some way, to those hurting. And when someone in the law enforcement community is hurting we want to offer support and help in some way. If you do know those hurting, it can be a normal tendency to want to "fix" things or reach out right away to offer support. And while support is needed, there are some do's and don't's in regards to WHEN to give support. Joining us on today's episode is Rachael Flick. Rachael is the host of The Click for more
The Problem with Overtime for Law Enforcement Officers
This episode is brought to you by Pictures on Gold. Pictures on Gold offers personalized police and firefighter jewelry like badge necklaces, earrings and more. Use this link to shop and use code PROUDPOLICEWIFE for $10 off. One "perk" that many law enforcement families see to the job is getting overtime which equals more each month. We all know that law enforcement officers aren't paid their worth, so one way to offset that pay and bring in extra money each month is by working some overtime. Overtime for law enforcement is NOT always a bad thing but overtime can Click for more
Discussions to Have with Police Children About the Holidays
The holidays are almost here and while it can be an exciting time, it can also be a stressful time for police children. Many questions come up during this season from kids wondering why their holiday has to look a little different than their friends or other family members. In today's episode I share some discussions you can have with your kids to help minimize any confusion and validate their feelings. Here are Some Ways to Have Discussions with Police Children About the Holidays: Validate their feelings. First and foremost, let your children know that their feelings are Click for more
Ways to Gain Support with Others as a Police Spouse or Significant Other
This is a very popular question I get asked a lot: "How do I meet other police wives or girlfriends or gain support from others who get it?" It is important to be able to connect with those who also need support or friendship as a police spouse or significant other. And we all know that no one quite understands this lifestyle unless they walk in our shoes. I remember when my husband first got into law enforcement over 16 years ago. I truly wanted friendship with other police spouses but it didn't feel that easy. I didn't know how to meet others in an authentic way and many of those I met Click for more
3 Ways to Support Your Spouse After a Critical Incident or Trauma from the Job
Just because our loved ones are in law enforcement does not mean they will experience a critical incident. But, yes, it is a possibility. And sometimes trauma occurs to the department as a whole, a community or co-worker and that experience still leaves us (or your loved one) with a wound. And whether a critical incident has occurred for you, your spouse or your family or you just want to be mentally prepared now knowing that this possibility could happen the best you can do is find tools to be resilient. Taking action now and meeting someone where they are at after a critical Click for more
5 Boundaries Every Law Enforcement Family Needs From the Job
Today's episode is brought to you Blue Monarch Co. Blue Monarch is a police owned jewelry company that offers pieces for both men and women, sterling silver and subtle thin blue line pieces. Use code PROUDPOLICEWIFE for 40% off. Work phones ringing off the hook, overtime, working later than expected, always talking about the job, having plans canceled too frequently- sound familiar? While some of these things do happen to most law enforcement families from time to time, they don't need to happen all the time. Instead, your family needs boundaries from the job. It is Click for more
Ways to Keep the Connection Going with your Spouse when they Work Shift Work
Today's episode is brought to you by Pictures on Gold. Pictures on Gold offers personalized police and firefighter jewelry like badge necklaces, earrings and more. Use this link to shop and use code PROUDPOLICEWIFE for $10 off. I think we can all agree that it takes WORK, actual work, to keep the connection going in our marriages especially around shift work. What was once super easy when you first dating, maybe isn’t always the same anymore because well life happens. You get immersed in your jobs, have kids, more household duties, you grow older and get used to the Click for more
Why Rest and Relaxation is Important for Police Wives
First responder spouses are some of the most strong and independent people I know. But sometimes what that means is we take on more than we can chew. And yes, I am speaking from experience. We all have those tired days or weeks so here is a reminder on why rest and relaxation for you and police wives is important. Tips to Insure Rest and Relaxation for Police Wives Be okay with pumping the breaks a bit. I am completely guilty of taking on more than I should. We have to be okay with slowing down our schedules or else nothing will change. You have the control to do that. Be Click for more
What Happens When Cops Don’t Talk
Law enforcement officers see more trauma than the average person. Over time, the trauma they see and experience builds or stacks on top of each other. It is vital that police officers find healthy ways to cope with the job and this includes talking about it. When cops don't talk, we can see a variety of symptoms regarding their physical and mental health. In today's episode I am joined by Susan Simons, President and Founder of Under the Shield, leading subject matter expert in First Responder Stress and Post Traumatic Stress Injury as well as a podcast host of Fight in Progress. Click for more
Support for First Responders and Military Families with Taya Kyle
First responder and military couples often have bigger asks of them compared to civilian couples. These careers ask more out of couples and families. But sadly, it can be hard to find support and resources for the tens of thousands of service families that need them. In today's episode I am joined by Taya Kyle. Taya Kyle is the widow of Chris Kyle-American Sniper, Executive Director of The Taya and Chris Kyle Foundation | Service Family Strong, New York Times Best Selling Author of American Wife, and a huge advocate for first responder and military families. Our community was so blessed to Click for more
Financial Preparedness for First Responders and their Families
First Responder families are used to having hard conversations regarding the job. But we don't always want to talk about finances and being prepared if an emergency were to happen. Talking about emergency funds and life insurance is not exactly "fun" for most people, but it really is a necessary conversation not just for everyone in life but especially first responder families. In today's episode, Courtney from Heroes Financial Coaching is joining us to talk about financial preparedness for first responders. Courtney is a veteran wife, police wife and momma to two toddlers. She knows Click for more
Building Resiliency in First Responders
First responders are just that- the ones that respond to danger, negativity and emergencies FIRST. They are the helpers in the world and constantly being exposed to heavy topics and experiences can take a toll. One way to combat the high exposure to negativity and emergencies is by building resiliency in first responders. This not only helps them process what they see on the job, but helps decrease burnout in first responders and spillover from the job. In today's podcast episode we brought on Kristen Jauregui as our guest. Kristen is a fellow police wife, dispatcher of 23 years, Click for more
3 Ways to Help Your Police Spouse When He/She Comes Off Shift
Today's episode is brought to you by Pictures on Gold. Pictures on Gold offers personalized police and firefighter jewelry like badge necklaces, earrings and more. Use this link to shop and use code PROUDPOLICEWIFE for $10 off. When your spouse works a dangerous job mixed with shift work, it is NORMAL to feel happy, excited, emotional or relieved when he/she comes home safely after shift. I remember many nights where our baby cried all night and I longed for the moment until my husband walked through that door so I could hand him the baby so I could get some sleep. Or the time I Click for more