We all need to invest back into our relationships, right? It’s so important no matter what line of work you are in. But with a spouse in law enforcement, it can be hard to find the right amount of time to put forth that effort.
People always give the advice to communicate, which is vital, but I wanted to talk about ways to keep your relationship going without the generic “communicate” as an answer. Yes, communication is KEY but how can you do that without making it feel like work or difficult around this lifestyle? What are the ways in which you CAN communicate or keep that spark alive with the little bit of time you have?
Sometimes around crazy schedules and feeling like ships in the night, we need QUICK (like, seriously, quick) ways to stay in touch and keep that flame burning.
Here are 10 quick ways to keep your relationship going when time isn’t on your side:
Touch daily. Hug, kiss, cuddle, whatever it may be, even for a short period of time counts. Just physically touch and try your best to make it every day.
Keep out interruptions. When you are spending time together it’s super important to make the most of that time. So turning off phones, electronics, video games, anything that may distract you, is the best way to make sure your time together is protected. No that hard, right?
Give compliments. This seems easy but gosh, when life happens it can be easy to forget sometimes. Especially if you or your spouse are on the struggle bus this week, you aren’t really thinking about giving compliments, but I urge you to try. Just a simple, “you smell great today” works! Can’t do it in person? That’s okay! Texts and notes work, too!
Give grace to one another. In another words, let things slide. Remember that struggle bus from the last tip? Yep, if you or your spouse are still on that bus then be nice and let some things go. Don’t let him/her know that your mad about dirty underwear on the floor, not every day, anyway.
Date your spouse. This is huge! These are some of my favorite date ideas that don’t break the bank. Just because you are comfortable or married doesn’t mean you have to stop dating! Always date your spouse and make it fun, romantic, spontaneous. This is my favorite tip of all!
Flirt. Yep. Again, just as if you were dating. Leave cute notes, wink, whatever you think your partner will like.
Hold hands. More physical touch. I don’t care if your on your date night or in Walmart, you can hold hands. Unless of course you are chasing after a two year old, then I’ll give you a pass. 😉 But try to fit this one in once in a while.
Be honest with one another. Always, always, always. Dishonesty is one of the fastest ways to create tension in a relationship and kill any spark you once had.
Do something unexpected for one another. Some people love surprises, but it doesn’t even have to be anything grand. An unexpected gesture like making your officer’s lunch or picking up his uniforms from the dry cleaners is small but the thought can go a long way! My husband is great at this one so I always try to return the favor! It always puts a positive in my day!
Check-in each and every day. Just 5 minutes. Just a quick, five-ten minute check-in is all you need to stay on the same page in a relationship. Talk about how you are feeling and what you need to get accomplished that day. Don’t use this time to vent about one another or have a negative conversation. Just communicate.
Just taking a little time each day to pour back into your relationship, can truly help keep it strong. You don’t need to spend money or have hours a day/night to stay connected. It’s all about making the best of the situation you are in- so work with what you got! You got this!
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