Life is inherently dangerous- we know this, right? But being married to a police officer brings this whole new level of awareness for the need to be as ‘safe’ as possible. (I quote ‘safe’ because it is a word that is relative and has a different meaning to each of us and our lives).
Some of us have real fears and worries about our officer’s job and when they strap that vest on.
Others have dealt with said fears and you may see your spouse’s job as just that, a job. Instead, you may feel the need to just want to be organized in case an emergency arises.
Both are good and valid reasons to be as prepared as you can as a law enforcement family and every family has different reasons for needing to feel comfortable or safe.
One of the best things you can do to be as prepared as you can for any situation that may arise as a law enforcement family is to create an emergency binder.
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So what is an emergency binder for law enforcement families?
An emergency binder should contain all the essentials you and your family need in case of an emergency situation; minor or major.
For example, if an emergency takes place, you don’t want to have to think of any passwords or account information- you want to be focusing on the situation at hand. If you have an emergency binder, then you can quickly grab it and look up any information you may need without having to think.
An emergency binder should contain all essential information like: passwords, account information, insurance information, important emergency phone numbers, an emergency action plan (for you, spouse, kids and pets) just to start.
The biggest struggle I see is that families don’t actually take the time to create a binder. Instead, an emergency situation occurs and you think “I shoulda, coulda, woulda”.
That’s why I have done all the work for you and your law enforcement family. Well, almost. You just have to download, print, and fill out any pertinent information in your emergency binder as a law enforcement family.
The Police Wife Resource Binder:
The Police Wife Resource Binder is an all-in-one solution for your life as a law enforcement family.
It provides you with pages and pages of printables to get you organized for not only daily life but also emergencies.
I created this downloadable binder because last year I had a conversation with a fellow police wife that down right scared me.
Her husband was in an accident (thankfully he was okay), but she had no idea how to access passwords to pay bills or account information. Her and her husband were recently married and not all bills were in each others names yet. They hadn’t even talked about what would happen in case of an emergency and how it should be handled. She was terrified.
This couple is not alone- MANY couples are in this same situation and find themselves wishing they had been more prepared.
As a law enforcement couple, you HAVE to have conversations about what will happen in case of an emergency and this binder will help you get those conversations started. It will force you to sit down together, look at your daily life and think of the big picture.
The Police Wife Resource Binder includes:
-a police wife back-up plan
-law enforcement agency sheets (HR information, who to contact in case of an emergency, etc)
-line of duty death information (sadly, we have to think about this- it’s better to be prepared some than not at all)
-an essential paperwork spreadsheet
-important password sheet
-future planning, trusts and wills
-bible verse sheet for encouragement
-even daily life sheets to help with: budgeting, meal planning, daily duties for the officer and police wife, night shift tracker and more!
To take a look inside the police wife resource binder or grab yours, go here.
Have questions? Email me at and I am happy to answer them for you!
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Read my PRIVACY POLICY here.