Maybe your spouse just went through the police academy and now you are hearing acronyms and lingo you’ve never heard before. I get it- my head was spinning my husband’s first year in the academy trying to grasp what he was saying.
Or maybe you are a veteran spouse and your spouse is STILL saying them. Lol! I get that also!
Either way, here are some top acronyms and lingo you may hear from your officer and what they mean!
Top Law Enforcement Lingo and Acronyms
FTO- Field Training Officer
You will hear this one a lot, especially as your spouse leaves the academy. Your officer will go through FTO training but could also be a Field Training Officer later in his/her career.
OIS- Officer Involved Shooting
This is without a doubt one of the hardest acronyms to read or hear about.
POV-Personally Owned Vehicle
I always laugh at this one because my husband uses this acronym all the time.
LEAD- Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
LEAD or Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is always held in January.
GY6- Got Your Six
“Got Your Six” means got your back. Law enforcement officers say this often in support of one another.
LEOW- Law Enforcement Officer Wife
Pronounced LEE-OH.
TBL- Thin Blue Line
If you frequent social media then this is one acronym you will see often.
UTL-Unable to Locate
You may get a text from your officer with this acronym. They may be on a call for a person they are unable to locate.
PIO-Public Information Officer
This is usually the person at the department to make public statements.
AS or AST-Active Shooter Training
Also, an acronym you don’t want to receive. Training, okay, but not the real deal.
Honestly, there are so many 10-codes it would take me forever to list them. Most departments don’t use 10-codes anymore but some officers still say the most “popular” ones to fellow officers or their spouses.
Military Time
Not lingo or an acronym but goodness, this gets me every time. I never caught on to this.
Co-Workers Last Names
Also not an acronym but you will see that your officer usually talks about his/her co-workers by using their last name. If they say the first name, I would be surprised.
What other law enforcement lingo or acronyms would you add to this list?
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