One of my favorite posts from when I first started writing was Top 10 Ways to Know she’s a Police Wife. And with police appreciation on the brain this week, I thought it was only fitting to write a post about why I truly love a police officer- MY officer!
I am a police wife because of his daily sacrifice. While some may view our schedules, routines, and sacrifices as a family not ideal, I would not trade it for the world. I am proud to live this lifestyle and most importantly I KNOW we can weather any storm together. And I can do all these things with my officer by my side. With his support, his encouragement, and his love.
10 reasons I absolutely LOVE my officer:
1.The safety and protection he provides me and our family is like no other. Not just because of his training and expertise, which is definitely an added bonus, but also because of his ability to keep me grounded. He truly knows when to be worried or most of the time, not worried, during certain situations. I fully trust his judgement because he has been involved in so many situations that I will probably never have to face. His calming nature during stressful situations brings so much protection to our family. Officers are trained to make quick, important decisions all while staying as calm as possible, so those trainings do enter into our personal lives, but this is definitely a positive.
2. Okay, let’s face it, the uniform is good looking, too. I can’t help but melt just seeing that uniform and badge. That definitely gets the heart pumping, doesn’t it? Not only is it attractive but it is also exudes pride. I am PROUD to see my husband in his uniform wearing that badge with honor.
3. Even though his job can be ever-so consuming, he always puts our family first. Even when my husband is on call, he tries not to let his career consume the entire family. He will walk out of the room to take a call so the kids and I don’t hear work related business. Then he always seems to transition back into normalcy without the blink of an eye. While we don’t expect this, I am always so amazed at how much he tries.
4. He gives HERO a whole new meaning. Seriously, our officers go back, day-in and day-out, facing situations I don’t think I could ever do. They deal with people that don’t like them without batting an eye. They constantly suit up NOT ever knowing what their day will be like, no routine, no expectations. They prepare for the good, the bad, and the ugly, without complaints. If that isn’t a hero, I don’t know what is.
5. He is just as proud of me as I am of him. One thing I LOVE about my officer is that he knows I work hard at holding down the fort while he is away. He knows my job isn’t always easy. He doesn’t compare our jobs even though his involves danger. He just appreciates the support I provide and does his best to acknowledge that.
6. He walks towards danger, instead of running from it. Again, this is something only a hero could do. He seems unaffected from the dangers around him. He has faith in his training and the training of his fellow officers.
7. He makes every second we have together COUNT. Sometimes we have an entire day off together, sometimes not and that’s okay. Even if we have 10 minutes a day, we know we need to make those moments count and he never takes our time together for granted. This is what makes him and so many of our officers different from the average Joe.
8. He doesn’t let this lifestyle consume us. When he is off duty, he works hard to make our family routines as normal as possible. Time off, means time off. He doesn’t spend his time talking about work all the time or focused on the next time he works. We enjoy unplugging as a family and making memories.
9. He always has a plan. It doesn’t matter if we are at home, planning a vacation, running errands or in an awkward situation, my officer always has a plan. I LOVE this about him. When he works, I tend to always have a plan, too, because well, I have to. But when he is off I tend to let my guard down and let him lead. I love that I can rely on him for a plan if we need one. Like when we went on a recent trip, without kids, and I left ALL of our car keys in my pockets at the airport. Major yikes! But we diverted total crisis mode because he kept me calm and had an action plan right away.
10. We walk this blue line TOGETHER. He works hard to understand my side of the thin blue line just as much as I try to understand his side. We don’t walk two different sides, we walk together, supporting one another as best as we can.
Why do you LOVE your officer? Or what can you relate to on our list? We would love to hear why so share with us in the comments!
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