This is a sponsored post for Arrest My Vest. All opinions are honest and my own.
I’ve talked about ways to get the odor and sweat smell out of vests before but what about those under shirts, uniforms, gear and more?
Our officers are working in extreme circumstances, whether that is the heat, the cold, car accidents, or being exposed to bodily fluids, it happens and it happens more often that one may think.
So beyond normal washing or dry cleaning, what can you do to really rid uniforms, gear and more from unwanted smells and odors?

Tips for Taking Smells out of Uniforms, Police Gear, and more:
This may seem like a given, but not always. Many officers change at work, put dirty or exposed clothing in gym bags, or change out of work clothing in the garage and leave it there until the next day.
The longer unwanted smells and stains sit on clothing, the harder they are to get rid of.
So it is important to wash any uniforms, athletic wear, or clothing with odor as soon as possible.

While normal washing or dry cleaning is great, helps to sanitize and wash out stains, it does not always get rid of unwanted smells. Normal laundry detergent may come with a deodorizer but all it really does it mask unwanted smells.
The smells many first responders come into contact with are strong and will sneak through clothing even after being washed with normal detergent.
One of our favorite brands, Arrest My Vest (famous for their amazing vest spray), now has a new Laundry Booster on the market that works just as well as the spray.

The Laundry Booster actually eliminates unwanted smells and odors from any type of clothing/material instead of just masking the smell (like many detergents do).
When the laundry booster first came out, I actually tested it on as many fluids and smells as I could, including: urine, feces, sweat, and blood.
And the results? IT WORKED AMAZINGLY WELL. It eliminated the odors and kept them away!
So how does it work?
You simply just add 1/4 of the laundry booster WITH your normal detergent and that’s it!
They currently offer two laundry booster scents: Midnight and Unscented (we have tested both and both work wonderfully). Midnight is our favorite scent!
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions I have received about the Laundry Booster so far:
Does it work in an HE washer?
Yes, it does!
Can you use it on regular laundry, as well?
Yes, you can. I have used it on much more than my husband’s uniforms, under shirts, and athletic wear. I used it on clothing, shoes, rugs, blankets, gloves, masks, and jackets so far!
How long does one bottle last?
This will vary a bit for everyone depending on how often you use it, but one bottle should last you roughly 32 loads.
Remember, you only need 1/4 cup of the laundry booster per wash. So a little goes a long way.
Is the laundry booster all-natural?
Yes! All Arrest My Vest products are safe around kids and pets, non-toxic and natural.
Does this replace the Arrest My Vest spray?
Absolutely not. The spray is great for items that can NOT go in the washing machine like vests, tactical gear like handcuffs and belts, cars, gym bags, etc.
The laundry booster works great for items that can go in the washing machine. This way you sanitize and eliminate odors all at the same time.
Where can you purchase the laundry booster?
Straight from the Arrest My Vest website. They ship super fast!

The Best Way to Get Rid of Smells from Uniforms & Gear