WHY I DELETED HALF OF MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS News Flash: We aren't in high school anymore. That was eons ago. We don't have to befriend everyone and continue to be friends with them for all of eternity. Your life and relationships should not be a popularity contest. What we are are grown adults, living in a world that desperately needs positivity. We live in a world that craves security, safety, and peace. A few years ago, I had the realization that we have different friends during different phases of our lives. Friends from your younger years and school days. A different set of friends during Click for more
Top 5 Go-To Crockpot Meals When Your LEO is Working
Whew! What a crazy few weeks it has been. Illnesses, out of town guests (which was an awesome surprise), parties, and crazy schedules! I feel like I can finally get back into my groove. With these crazy few weeks, it had me thinking. When my LEO is working and I am juggling a busy schedule plus a sick kiddo in the mix, what would I do without my quick fix, go-to meals? There are meals that I always keep in our rotation and are easy for me to prepare. Generally, everyone in the family likes them, which is an added bonus! I often resort to crockpot meals because they don't require much attention Click for more