This post is sponsored by Thin Blue Line USA. All opinions are honest and my own.
Getting through the holidays while our loved ones are working is not always a walk in the park. Not only do we miss our officers, we may miss extended family or have memories of past holidays that didn’t go as planned.
Our newsfeeds may be filled with happy, cheery images all the while we are struggling on the inside just trying to keep things merry for those around us.
But it is SUPER important to not forget about yourself during the holidays. All year long you give to others, so self care or making time for yourself is just as important this time of year, as well as, these other great tips.
Here are the top ways to survive the holidays without pulling your hair out:
Don’t feel like you have to live up to traditions.
Traditions are nice, I get it. But being flexible as to when festivities are done will help you. It will cut out most of the stress and make you feel less guilty that things are not going as planned or when other traditional 9-5 families do them.
We generally make a list of what we want to get done in December, like: gingerbread houses, making Christmas cookies and driving around to see Christmas lights in our area. But we look for open pockets of time during the month to get them done.
While I would love to decorate gingerbread houses every Christmas eve, we just can’t. So my compromise is always when it will happen. Instead, this year, we are making them three weeks before Christmas because it is the only time we have.
You can also set a holiday goal. Sounds silly I know, but if you decide what is most important this holiday season with one goal then you set yourself up for success. The Holidays with a Hero packet helps you do that and so much more. Check it out here. It also helps you craft a message to friends and family when they don’t understand your holiday plans.
Make time for yourself.
As I am writing this post, it is the beginning of December. With it being only a few days into the hustle and bustle, I am already tired from shopping, running so many errands, making Christmas cards, on top of every day life. So I want to be sure to make some time for myself this week. This time of year that may mean not staying up late to write or answer emails, but instead, watch Home Alone (my fav!) while drinking hot chocolate.
It is SO easy for time to slip by quickly this month, so planning in advance for a little YOU time is needed, girl. It helps if you let others know you need time for yourself, too, so everyone is on the same page.
Be prepared or have a schedule.
I don’t know about your officer, but mine always seems to have extra shifts during the holiday season. Shopping details, things like that. So I often forget that these are happening, so keeping an updated schedule is rather important this month.
It will help prevent frustration or if you are like me, forgetfulness 😉
Don’t do everything yourself. Only do what you can comfortably handle.
This may seem impossible, especially during this time of year, but I promise it is not. Delegate. If you have a lot of people to buy for then make a list of who your spouse (or boyfriend or girlfriend) needs to buy for and who you are buying for. Don’t spread yourself thin trying to take it all on.
I used to get frustrated that the only person my husband bought for was me. While I was buying for him, the kids, teachers, our parents, nieces and nephews, his coworkers, etc. So now he helps me greatly with kid presents and he takes care of a few others. It’s not that hard to shop online these days.
If you need an idea for yourself to give your spouse, this holiday bundles from Thin Blue Line USA is a great deal, actually all of their bundles are. I love the comfy head warmer and gloves.
Here are some other gift bundles that make shopping MUCH easier from Thin Blue Line USA:
Women’s Winter Bundle– this is the one I am wearing above plus some jewelry!
I don’t ask for much these days, but when I do, I be sure to tell my officer in advance with a few reminders. 🙂 And he does the same for me, which I appreciate.
Overall, please give yourself grace this time of year. This is kinda my motto and you may see it written in a lot of my posts. Remember the reason for the season, even if our way of celebrating is not the norm due to our officer’s career.
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