Police officers today face enormous pressure, stress and job related trauma. While they may not be able to control those aspects of the job, what they can control is their health and fitness.
Sadly, police officers face alarming health related issues because of this stress. So it is imperative that they take proactive measures to be healthy and fit early on in their career or as soon as they can.
Constant drive-thrus, bang energy drinks and binge eating after shift all contribute to future health related issues.
In today’s episode, former police officer, author, fitness expert, and owner of Leanness Lifestyle University, David Greenwalt, joins us to talk about the health risks police officers have but what they can do in their lives NOW to take control of their health and fitness.
Real Solutions for Managing Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement
David looks at science-based research to drive healthy eating habits and fitness goals.
He also shared some of the staggering statistics in regards to law enforcement officers and their health.
On average, law enforcement officers only live about 6 years after retirement. In addition, the average life expectancy of a police officer is 66 years of age. While non-police officers average life expectancy is 78 years of age.
We also discussed the significant health issues police officers face due to stress, lack of sleep, and more.
What can you do knowing this information?
David doesn’t like to live in the negative and he doesn’t want you living there either. Instead, be aware of this research and take control of what you CAN control.
What can you control?
You can control the food you eat and your level of exercise (but really he says, this is just the tip of the iceberg). In today’s episode David broke down what REAL food is, how your body processes food and roadblocks that many experience when it comes to ACTUALLY taking control of your health and fitness.
David talks about how police officers are SO used to helping others and having the answer. So a lot of times police officers aren’t as good at asking for help in regards to health and fitness or asking for support. This could be a huge roadblock for many.
But is it good enough for us as spouses or loved ones to say “you need to get healthy”. No probably not. David says anyone tackling their health and fitness goals need to have a strong enough “why”. It can’t just be “to get healthy”.
We know police officers face more hurdles than others like shift work, high stress, trauma, lack of sleep, etc. So having a strong enough “why,” MATTERS!
Be sure to listen to the entire podcast for David’s eye opening approach to health and fitness for law enforcement officers (and anyone who listens).
Find David’s Website, Leanness Lifestyle University here.
If you want a FREE two week trial, contact David using his contact form and he will get you set up.
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