When you or your loved one experiences a critical incident on the job, it can create more than just physical pain. It can be a time of mental anguish, stress, high emotions, financial burdens and more.
Today’s episode features former police officer, Kelsey Wilson, who experienced two injuries one year apart. The second injury, sadly, ended her career abruptly with lasting damage to her hand and trigger finger.
Kelsey recounts her critical incident, her injuries and what she still endures to this day.
She also opens up and shares her struggles mentally with having to leave a career that she loved.
The One Thing That Kelsey Recommends if You or Someone You Love Experiences a Critical Incident
The one thing that Kelsey has always loved is nutrition and wellness. And Kelsey shares how she was able to fall back on this passion because she never gave it up despite having a busy career as a police officer.
Whether you/someone you love experiences a critical incident or not, having a life OUTSIDE of policing is incredibly important.
Having a passion for personal training, nutrition and wellness has helped Kelsey to get through this incredibly hard time. She was able to fall back on that passion during this very hard time because that was an area of her life that was already very important.
If policing is your life, then the struggle to find yourself and your identity outside of the career, is going to be difficult, especially if you experience a critical incident.
Despite still missing her job as a police officer, she has been able to fall into her love of nutrition and personal training again.
Kelsey also found meaning by opening her own Etsy Shop called Kelsey Fit Life Designs where she sells meaningful, hand poured candles. You can check out her shop here.
You can connect with Kelsey on Instagram here or follow her candle making journey here.
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