In today’s world, our information is everywhere. A simple internet search of your name will likely pull up pages of your “private” information: name, address, phone number, job history, relatives & more. People-search sites are a quick way to gain a lot of information in one place about a person; you can even pay for more private information if you wish.
As a police wife of many years, the last thing I want is for my husband’s personal information to be found in a ‘Google’ search by criminals he has encountered on the job. I am not willing to mess around with my husband’s privacy. He deserves to have privacy and boundaries when he is off duty, but lately, that seems hard to do.
Having a police officer’s personal information out for all to see can be extremely problematic and downright scary. But guess what? It’s out there.
Give your name a ‘Google’ and see what comes up. I am sure it is information that you don’t want a curious criminal to come across or even pay to get.
And have you tried taking your information off those sites yourself? Personally, I have, but after HOURS of work, I gave up because it was so daunting.
You literally have to hound every people-search company to get your information removed and even then, it can reappear after a month or two.
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Recently my officer and I tried Officer Privacy, a site that takes your name and home address off the top-30 people search sites and we were impressed.
As a former police officer, the owner knows the importance of officer privacy. Our names began coming off these common sites within 24-48 hours of signing up. We were even sent a report to see which sites were contacted with completed removals.
In addition, even after our information was removed from these sites, Officer Privacy has continued to monitor our information to ensure they stay off.
Now when we Google our names, the search results look vastly different. For us, it was SO easy and we think it’s worth the investment. All it takes is one criminal or person upset with the police to look up our information- not worth the risk for us.
Can Officer Privacy make you invisible? Nope. But you can definitely feel safer knowing your name and address aren’t blasted all over the internet.
As a family with children, our privacy is of the utmost importance.
Check out Officer Privacy today and for a limited time, you can sign up and get the first 14 days FREE. Officer Privacy shows you how to remove your information off the internet to get your privacy back! After 14 days, you pay $9.99/month to monitor and make sure your info stays off. There is no contract or obligation, if you decide after the 14 days not to continue, you can cancel with no penalty.
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Read my PRIVACY POLICY here.