We all know holidays often have to be celebrated on different days so that our heroes have a chance to be part of the joy. The packet includes a letter your child can fill out and send to Santa asking him to come on a different day instead on December 25th. Santa would never leave a hero family waiting in suspense to see if their request was granted. He, of course, has a reply letter granting the date change request which is North Pole approved.
Living with a hero is hard to understand for others who are not acquainted with the life and it can be tiresome answering the same questions over and over again. Especially when someone just doesn't seem to "get" it. The Handle with Care sheet included in this packet will help you craft a response that even the most difficult family members will understand.
Keep track of all the little details with meal planning sheets, a holiday goal tracker, and budget sheets to keep you on target this season.
The holidays seem to take so long to get here each year and then they fly by before we even know what happened. It can be particularly difficult as you try and squeeze in ALL. THE. THINGS. in those few moments you do have with your hero. The Holiday Bucket List and Memory Sheets will help keep you focused on the memories and moments both when your hero is there and when they can't be.
Grab your Holidays with a Hero packet to help you focus on what’s important this holiday season.
Holidays with a Hero is a digital download that you can download and print immediately. No hard copy will be mailed to you.
Absolutely. Once you download and print the pages you’ll be using, you can fill in your child’s name on a letter to Santa.
While my blog is law enforcement related, this product is tailored to ALL first responder and military families, not just law enforcement. It is for the spouse and/or children living with a first responder or military member.
Absolutely, yes. Your security is extremely important to me. I have partnered with reputable sites like Sendowl, Stripe and PayPal to process payments that provide secure encryption for maximum protection.
All of those questions (and more!) are answered inside Holidays with a Hero. Get solutions for this holiday season and grab your copy today!