I want you to know, I see you. I know you are tired. You miss your support system; your husband. Your officer has been working ’round the clock. You see him in passing, a quick “Love you and be safe.” You leave him a quick note in his lunch box each day just so he knows how much you care. But not seeing him is catching up with you.
I know you are lonely. You have something really important to talk about but it will be days, DAYS, before you will get a chance to sit down and have a conversation. You are dying for adult conversation because talking to kids all day isn’t cutting it. Communication on days he is working is lacking, sometimes nonexistent. It is okay. I know how you feel.
Your house looks like a tornado has run through it three times over. You are living on coffee and your kids’ leftover lunches because you are the only parent home. You get up with the kids if they wake at night, you are the only parent to do all the after school and weekend activities, family dinners feel like a chore. You feel like a single parent.
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Guess what? I see you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
WE support you. Fellow police wives, supports YOU. You don’t have to explain anything to us because we understand. We live it, breath it, day in and day out.
I want you to do something for me. Take it one day at a time. Remember that we all struggle at some point. Your house does not need to be perfect. Your life, relationships, meals, don’t need to be perfect. There is no such thing. Some days will absolutely be easier than others.
Do This
Find a support system. Reach out to other police wives. Try to connect; I guarantee you, they have similar struggles. Being a police wife is sometimes overlooked, under appreciated. That is why connection with other police wives is so important, you see. You need validation. You need to feel that you are not in this journey alone. Having those connections may not make your house clean or communication with your LEO more frequent, but it will make you feel less lonely. You will be able to relate to other police wives and them to you. It just makes those day to day struggles more tolerable. You may even find some great advice from fellow police wives that have walked in your shoes.
Remember, this is a lifestyle. There are many positives and negatives. Learning how to deal with those negatives is the hardest part of being a police wife. Only one aspect of being a police wife is what you deal with at home and emotionally. But you don’t have to do it alone and no one wants you to. We walk this line with you, blue sister.
Proud Police Wife
FREE Police Wife Guide- Top 10 Ways to Rock Police Wife Life
Learn to rock police wife life with these 10 easy tips! Join over 20,000 fellow police wives who are learning to rock it and feel supported with our help each week! Once a week I will provide you with even more ways to feel encouraged and supported for your law enforcement wife journey with my newsletter.
Read my PRIVACY POLICY here.