New Year’s bring new goals! Which I love! I am a natural born planner and organizer and setting goals is SUPER motivating for me. But I don’t always meet those goals.
Look back on your last year of police wife life. Were there struggles? Did you meet all of your goals?
If you said, yes, then you are not alone. You are like many, many other police wives that need support for living the law enforcement lifestyle. This includes me.
Even though I have spent the last 12 years of my life as a police wife, I can honestly say, I have new goals for my police wife life each and every year. This year, I did not meet ALL of my goals, either. Life gets in the way sometimes.
I had a goal this year to not over commit myself, but I tend to fall into this trap again and again. I am sure you can relate. In police wife life we take on so much and often bite off more than we can chew. We are the do-er of all things. I am no exception and when my husband is on duty, I tend to think I can do it all when in reality, I need to take one or two things off my plate. This year, I hope to continue this goal and work even harder at it.
So what would you change this year for your police wife life or maybe just your life, in general?
Do you take on way too much too? Do you want to rock meal planning around shift work?
Maybe you want to go on more dates with your officer and have more quality time, maybe you want to have more faith in your officer & trust better, or maybe you want to make more time for you.
I know that police wife life can come with struggles and I want you to be able to rock police wife life as best as you can. So here’s how:
Conquer your police wife life for the year ahead by:
Setting Goals: Goal setting can be so powerful and motivating, if you stay focused on your goals. Try writing down 1-3 goals for yourself for the upcoming year. They can be about you, your career, your police wife life, your marriage, etc. Then write them on sticky notes or in a place you will see them each and every day. For me, I write them in my planner AND I write them on sticky notes and put them around my computer screen. This way, I am receiving constant reminders about my goals and I can work towards them all year long. If the word ‘goals’ makes you feel less motivated try thinking of them as reminders. What can you remind yourself to do each day, each week or this year?
Making your goals ATTAINABLE: If you set a goal WAY too out of reach, then you have failed yourself before you have even started. Make sure that your goal is small and easily attainable. Breaking up your goal can be helpful, too.
Here’s an example: Maybe you want to lose 15 pounds. Try by breaking up your weight loss goal into smaller parts. Commit to 15 pounds for the year, but also set a goal of 5 pounds by March. That’s seems so much easier, right? Then once you hit that goal, set a goal of another 5 pounds.
I ALWAYS feel more accomplished to keep going and reach my goals if I have smaller milestones. So if your goals are too large and you keep hitting road blocks, try smaller, more reachable goals instead.
Staying focused on YOU: Hear me out. You can only change YOU, right? You can not change other people or their feelings. So why try? If you keep your goals focused on yourself and you don’t let the worry of things you can not control into your life then the outcome is all on you. With this mindset, you can really change your focus and hit your goals!
Seeking Support: Finding a community of other like-minded people (like police wives) can give you support that you may very well need. Seek out other police wives in your area, attend church, join local mom groups, connect with me on Instagram or connect with friends at work, the gym, or in your neighborhood. Having a support system, with others who understand your goal or may help encourage you to reach your goal is super motivating! Doing things alone is never fun!
Remember, only you can control you. Whatever you decide, remember to focus on what is within your control each day and as you navigate this year. You can do this!
FREE Police Wife Guide- Top 10 Ways to Rock Police Wife Life
Learn to rock police wife life with these 10 easy tips! Join over 20,000 fellow police wives who are learning to rock it and feel supported with our help each week! Once a week I will provide you with even more ways to feel encouraged and supported for your law enforcement wife journey with my newsletter.
Read my PRIVACY POLICY here.