I started staying home with my girls three years ago. I absolutely love every second of it and I would not change it for the world. We just added a third little one to our family and he is such a blessing. Everyone has their dreams and one of mine was to stay home with all of my kids until they each to go Kindergarten. Our oldest is going to start Kindergarten in the Fall and I can’t believe it. I am already crying inside. Like ugly crying. I love spending the majority of my day playing and learning with my kids. It is fulfilling and rewarding to me. With all that said, I wanted more.
I had what I wanted: to stay home with my kids, right? How could I want more than these three beautiful babies? At the end of the day, I was left with this feeling of still wanting more. At first, I was content being a stay at home mom and I still am. But with the birth of our third child, I felt the need to find something for myself. A hobby, a passion, an outlet, ALL FOR ME. I wanted adult interaction, I wanted something that was all mine. As a mom you can relate that nothing is technically yours ever again. Your food, nope not yours. A shower alone…what’s that? I also wanted a connection to other Police Wives but felt as if I didn’t have the time to make them.
That is when I found blogging. Or maybe I should say, that is when blogging found me? I followed another blogger, Rosemarie Groner, over at Busy Budgeter. I loved reading what she had to say and she made me feel like if she was successful with blogging, then I could be too. Combining two of my passions, writing and the police life, was a no-brainer for me. No, I don’t have all the answers and I don’t claim to as a Police Wife. However, I like sharing what I have learned to other Police Wives. I like building relationships and connections with other moms and Police Wives in the same boat as myself. I want to unite more Police Families and help close the war on Police.
I finally feel like I have that outlet I needed. Blogging did that for me. Is my life more balanced? HECK, NO!! Probably less. Some people go to the gym, some people have girl time, some people BLOG. 🙂 The majority of my blogging is done at night when my kids are sleeping. Our days are busy enough and I don’t want to take away from our time together.
I feel happier writing and having this quiet time to myself. I am a happier mother, wife, Police Wife. Now, I have this awesome thing to look forward at the end of the day! And no, it is not laundry! I am in better spirits when I hear from other Police Wives that can relate to what I write about.
Even my 5 year old notices it. She notices that mommy is happier. Not that I was ever sad or down; I just had this longing for wanting something a little different in my life. I got a sweet message about my blog from a friend a few weeks ago and it really made my day. A few hours later my daughter said, “This is the BEST DAY EVER!” And no, she had not just watched Tangled (Rapunzel). 🙂 She said, “You are so fun today.” It is healthy as a mom and Police Wife to have my own outlet.
I also get to show my girls that you can be a Mom and have a passion, too. It is so important to show them that if they work hard at something, they will get results.
Are you like me? A Police Wife and/or mom that is tired, sometimes lonely? I encourage you to take some time for yourself. Find something that you love, a hobby you have been wanting to try. Go for it. I took a chance and I love the outcome so far; I feel healthier and happier. It is hard to find EXTRA time to do this; I get it. I was like that for years until I craved something for myself and decided to take a leap of faith. Maybe it means dropping your kids off with a sitter so you can go for a run. Getting up at 5 a.m. to have quiet time. Whatever the case may be, just do it. Giving up some trashy, reality T.V. shows at night to spend time on my blog was how I started! 🙂
I am so glad I decided to make time for myself and do something I love. I am also lucky to have an amazing, supportive husband that helps me carve out time for myself. It isn’t always easy but we work it out somehow. I have met SO MANY amazing people on this journey and made so many connections. All while spreading love for our beloved men and women in uniform. It is time to work on yourself, Police Wife! 🙂 Go for it!
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