No matter what the circumstance, when I tell people what my husband does for a living, I hear the same thing from people, time and time again. In addition, people always seem surprised to hear that I am a stay at home mom and a police wife. The number 1 phrase I hear as a police wife is “I don’t know how you do it!”
“I don’t know how you….
~stay home alone at night
~deal with long hours
~deal with shift work
~eat meals alone
~put all three kids to bed by yourself
~deal with the worry of being a police wife
~watch the war of police in the media
~not have your husband home on holidays”
Here’s the thing:
People only seem to think of the negative associated with police life. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t take it as a bad thing. Yes, I do all those things alone, a lot of the time. Not every time, but a lot of the time. It is not easy all of the time. I am not going to sugar coat things. I complain sometimes, too. Part of the complaints come from just being a MOM and every day life, not because my husband is a police officer.
Over the years, when I hear that phrase, I find myself thinking: “It is all in how you look at it.”
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My perspective is this:
If I constantly think about the negativity associated with my husband’s job, the fear of being alone at night, anger that I am doing so much alone, then I am going to be one unhappy person. I choose not to show our children negativity. Instead, I can show them that daddy works HARD and is selfless. He makes a difference in this world. I can show them that mommy works HARD and is independent, strong, and doesn’t need daddy to help her get every job done.
Quite frankly, what I want to say back to people is, “I don’t know how my husband does it.” I don’t know how he puts on that heavy, hot, uncomfortable uniform every day. How he does his job so fearlessly. How he is away from his family so much, but yet, never complains. How he deals with police brutality and shaming within the media. How he deals with stress and violence but comes home happy and upbeat.
I am PROUD to be married to a man who has a calling to help and serve others. I am PROUD to say that my husband is our hero. He leaves his family for what can be extremely long hours at a time, so that YOU can be safe and protected. He walks straight into fear when others are running away from it. Who wouldn’t be proud of that?
So in response to “I don’t know how you do it,” I do it because THIS IS OUR LIFE. It is a small price to pay for a safe community to raise our children in and to walk alongside my husband who is happy serving his community. It is important to me. I am passionate about this life! After all, I do blog about it! 😉 God made us strong; we can definitely handle it!
So tell me, why do you do it?
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